Care for a glass of port a piece of dark (86%) chocolate? I can't afford the best port, but I still enjoy a glass now and then. This one is Graham's with a piece of Poulain chocolate. I thought it would be a nice companion to a new feature I am trying out ~ the blog highlight.
I read a lot of blogs in my spare time, most of which are not on my blog roll. I plan to move alphabetically through them, one a week, on Mondays and share them with the people who read mine!
The first blog on my list:
...and endless banquet
Fellow Canadian bloggers, out of Quebec. I read their restaurant reviews, dreaming of the day I can visit that province. Their recipes are also wonderful, a mix of traditional and the new. I hope you check them out!
ETA Okay Lisa, guess I am not getting off that easy! My absolute favourite way to enjoy port is as pictured above, but I also like it with Stilton or other cheeses. My usual "everyday" port is Taylor Fladgate Late Bottled Vintage, usually running my between 25$ and 39$ per bottle. I tried this new one, Graham's Late Bottled Vintage, a mere 25$ and it is a fairly good everydayer as well. I usually indulge in a glass after dinner in the fall/winter months. Oh, and I painted the glass myself!
That's all you're going to say?! Well, OK then. I'm a port afficionado as well. My husband got me a bottle of 1977 Warre's for my birthday, and it was heavenly. No chocolate with it, but pears and Stilton and Port Salut -- oy, it was good. Keith didn't think he'd like it and was prepared to just taste a sip, and of course we ended up making short work of the bottle.
What do you like as an "everyday" port?
I think I've only had port once before, but any pairing with dark chocolate must be considered by me :)
Thanks for the port info. I'll have to look out for those; don't think I've seen them around here but maybe they can be ordered.
I salute you, limiting yourself to just a glass after dinner. :)
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