Aggie peeking coyly from behind the bedroom curtain.
She has learned a new trick ~ stand in front of the fridge and meow loudly and incessantly and the humans will give you a teaspoon of half&half just to get you to stop...
Check out the whirlwind of activity over at Eatstuff, along with all the other cute cats.
That's a slippery slope Linda, Aggie has finally figured out how to work you :) Next it will be catnip on demand
Ah yes!!!! Aggie must know my cat Upsie. Upsie can meow nonstop for hours until you crack and give her what she wants!!
At least Aggie stays outside of the 'Fridg. My Cammie crawls inside of it just about every time I open the door! :)
Cheryl (phantomcg)
Awww, sweet pic!
very beautiful picture !
how fetching! hmnnn, i think she is guilty of something tho :)
She's got that "look" -- you know the one that says "I can get you to do anything I want if I am persistant enough...."
gotta love them cuz they sure are fun!
Aggie is a heartbreaker. What a good idea, I must meow whenever Mum opens the fridge too for more treats.
Lots of love
Boo the cat
so mysterious and demanding. such a diva :)
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