I finished work early today and for the first time in a long time, I found myself with free time (
last Monday doesn't count!). I bought a Madeline pan when I was in a camera funk last week (amazing what comforts a person ~ in my case, its buying kitchen supplies), and I have been itching to use it. Michele at
the accidental scientist posted
this amazing looking recipe that I made today. My madeline pan is for large madelines (and I overfilled it), so I only got 1 dozen. I also drew inspiration from Michele's reccomendation to enjoy these with tea and filled them with a sour cream, cream cheese and Earl Grey concoction..... sweet and oh so decadent.

And for the weekly installment of Aggie cuteness; here she is watching tv, guarding the remote jealously.
Clare is once again
the gracious hostess ~ be sure to check out next weeks double whammy of cat and cookie blogging fun.
How entertaining, Clare
also made Madelines this week!!!
I've always wanted a Madeline pan - this may just get me to buy one when we finally get settled in!
Madelines are everywhere this week! I've never made them, but now I have a hankering for one of those pans--and madelines of course!.
Aggie is adorable. I LOVE how she is guarding the remote.
Yes--I feel bad because I haven't baked any madelines. Now what TV shows does Aggie watch? Is she big on dramas or comedies?
awwww, aggie is so sweet. whats with kitties abd gadgets these days? i guess it was just a matter of time, :)
mmmm stuffed madeleines.......
Don't worry Aggie I wont touch the remote!
Stuffed Madeline's, eh? That sounds really good, but do you have to keep these in the fridge?
Oh, Aggie is too sweet. She looks about the size of one of my other cats, Georgie. Georgie would've loved to eat salmon with you! You have a wonderful blog; beautiful photos.
Joe, I have noticed a rash of madeline pans springing up on food blogs lately ~ maybe its a virus!
FG, I am planning to experiment with savoury madelines as well. They are entirely addictive.
Sher, Aggie is of course addicted to Food Network, ANTM and CSI ;p
Aria, thank you for stopping by!
Hi Clare!
wheresmymind, these didn't last long enough to make it to the fridge! (and I only had two!!) However, in a home where more self restrain is excersized, I would fill thgem on a ready to serve basis and keep the cream cheese mix in a bag in the fridge. The madelines also freeze well when they are undoctored.
Lisa, thanks for stopping by and for the compliments!
Hey, thanks for the clarification on how to catch snails with beer!! I'll give it another try.
I want a madeline pan too! Aggie looks like she is enjoying telly and LOL at her guarding the remote.
anything stuffed with cream is my best friend ooohhhhh sweet orgasmic stuffed delights lol Aggie is a little cutie!
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