This week's blog is A Finger In Every Pie. I think I discovered it through Sugar High Friday, but the writing is fun and the food is incredible.
I am enjoying my THIRD!!! day off in a row. We have been watching Twin Peaks, eating soup and other domestic joys. I should really post about our Curried Apple and Butternut Squash soup. I am on a quest to stem the flow of money we are haemorraging into our grocery bill by meal planning and using more leftovers. I had leftover roasted squash from Thanksgiving dinner, leftover roasted pumpkin from cheesecake making and leftover applesauce from who knows when. They went into a pot with some onions, garam masala, curry powder and tamarind tea made with leftover tamarind from Rob's chutney. Pureed everything, added some water and cream and voila ~ LOTS of lovely soup ( I got two more meals fro the freezer out of it).

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