Back at The Other Job yesterday and today. Yesterday was a good day ~ I laughed alot, got to sleep in and generally felt all warm and fuzzy at work. I was still tired though, so I was relieved when I came home and Rob said we were having salmon. Although i always have to cook the salmon, it really is simple and fast.
I sprinkled it with a beautifel Lavender Sea Salt, slashed the skin and seared it skin side down for 3 minutes, then flip for one minute. Beautiful, crispy skin, medium rare salmon. With fiddleheads of course.
I've never had fiddleheads! What can I compare them to? The salmon looks wonderful.
ive always been curious about fiddleheads but after i moved out of Canada they never came up again! How would you describe the flavour?
fiddleheads are hard to describe. I have heard asparagus listed as a comparison, although I think they have more of a swiss chardy flavour...
Is it a given that you always have fiddleheads with salmon?
Wheresmymind (do YOU have a blog?), I always have fiddleheads with salmon, when fiddleheads are in season. We eat them almost every day for about two months....
Sure I've got a blog...actually I've got 2:
*sigh* we can see fiddleheads up here in glorious profusion. However, I don't know if there are any that are edible. Sucks to not know
Dear Linda,
The salmon looks lovely. Makes my mouth water. Well, no problem. I don't have to fix supper tonight. My ever-lovin' is off working on an airplane and will be quite late, I think. Sometimes he surprises me, though.
June 4, your cousin, Brian will graduate from Walla Walla Valley Academy, so we're leaving. One whole week away...taking a trip.
That's just in case you need us.
We love you lots.
Grandma and Grandpa
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