Happy Halloween weekend to those who take part... I'm hoping to see a few costumes this weekend. Feel free to leave your links in the comment section. I had to work unexpectedly, so I will update links tonight.

Bonnie Loves Cats gets things started with some Halloween Cats looking for homes.
Chris Dolley manages to catch an action shot of the Kinky Tribble
Sam gets in touch with his inner frog at stillpoint.
The McKittens have at least ONE of their humans well trained at Music and Cats.
Mimi enjoying the scent of garlic at Restaurant Widow....Maybe trying to keep those halloween Vampires at bay?
Tiggy suspects an imposter in his home...but only for a moment or two.
Halloween comes early at Jelly Pizza.
Upsie puts our favourite pirate to shame at What Did You Eat?
Colin tries to demonstrate his special powers at The Westering Hills.
Mr. Bean takes over from a very busy Jasmine at Cardamom Addict
The hat attacks at The House of The (Mostly) Black Cats
Fridolin meditates deeply a Rosa's Yum-Yums
Some cute poses from Kate in the Kitchen.
Blur dodges the paparazzi at 7610.
No costumes, but some illicit napping at Lali et Cie, next weeks weekend cat blogging host.
Gorgeous Edith out for a stroll at Anne's Food.
Helios poses with a pumpkin at Tales from a Veggie Kitchen.
The Halloween Cat at catsynth educates us on the perils of being a cat at this time of year.
Here's my link. Kinky Tribble: Too Fast to be Perfect.
All dressed up for Halloween, Sam discovers it's not easy being green. Link:
What do cats want? The well-trained human.
Here's mine for the week!
Hi! Here is my link:
As Soon as blogger starts co-operatiing, I will add your links.
Thanks for hosting this weekend! Here's mine:
Thanks for hosting this weekend :)
Here's my link: http://catsnmom.blogspot.com/2006/10/attack-hat.html
The Cats are Attacked by a Hat!
I haven't got any Halloween picture, but I'm sure that you'd love to see how Fridolin looks when he's meditating in a psychedelic way:
Thanks for hosting this week's WCB!
Hi. Here's our link for this week:
No costumes, but a cute photo!
Blur didn't want his picture taken, but I did manage to get one!
No costums for us too, the weather is still so so sunny this year!
Next week I'll host the WBC, at www.lalietcie.canalblog.com , I'll send a mail to everybody!
The closest I get to a black cat - Edith: http://annesfood.blogspot.com/2006/10/weekend-cat-blogging-edith.html
(Blogger seems to be having problems, but it'll show up eventually.)
Is it too late for Helios to play?
It's not his fault his mom can't get her act together...
Aggie looks cute in her wig and your other photos of Halloween are very nice too. Thanks for hosting this weekend and for posting a photo of Aggie.
Bonnie in Virginia
Happy Halloween
This is fun :)) But I don't think the cat actually needed a Halloween wig.
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