I bought a potted plant and dropped it into a copper flour cannister that I found for super cheap at the Salvation Army.

One of our friends is seen here cutting up the rack of pork. The pork was stuffed with a couscous and date stuffing; unfortunately, I didn't take a picture after the carving. I was so proud of that perfectly stuffed pork....

Rob made his delicious sauteed garlicky broccoli, a huge hit at the table. Doesn't it look fabulous in my great grandmother's china ;P

The other friend, posing with the cinnamon scented roasted butternut squash.

And finally, the cheesecake. My picture is a little sad because I had to take it this morning; apparently the amount of wine consumed made for some terrible photography last night. This cheesecake means a lot to me; our friends who moved to Ontario last year used to make it and we miss them terribly. The recipe is totally idiot proof.

A happy Thanksgiving all round, almost enough to distract me from our 3-2 loss last night....
Great spread Linda - Happy T-Day to you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you! The food looks wonderful.
I wanted to make a pumpkin cheesecake but was informed that I would have to make it as well as pie because pumpkin pie was a necessity. The pumpkin cheesecake never ended up happening :(
The entire meal looks so luscious! That perfectly stuffed pork—out of this world! Love your centerpiece too; it's given me an idea for our Thanksgiving table...
wow, i'm envious of your dining room table and chairs!! and that pumpkin cheesecake looks amazing. looks like you had a wonderful 3 days off, yay!
Joe and Jennifer, Thank you!
Brilynn, I was lucky I din't have to serve a couple traditionalists, so I could get away with no pumpkin pie.
Lisa, thank you and I am deadly curious what I inspired you to do.
Kickpleat, the table and chairs are very second hand, but I like them :D
Dear Linda and Robb,
What a lot of delightful looking food! It sounds so so good; I'll have to rearrange our cooking schedule and try some things real soon. I did copy the cookie recipe to take to the kitchen. I'm sure they will be delicious.
We're having the furnace installed at the moment, so we have only electricity, but I plan to be warm this evening!
Love and hugs,
Grandma and Grandpa
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