When I was offered the chance by sara and cathy to advance preview a cookbook for free, I jumped at it. Unfortunately, I didn't get my last name to them in time and DHL was having a blast trying to deliver to Kayak Soup (I actually had a dispatcher ask me if I was a restaurant!). Once the cookbook was in my hands, I flipped through it, trying to decide what would be my first recipe. It is a solid cookbook, 600 recipes and all of them look like classics; basic recipes everyone can use in their repetoire.
It is strawberry season here in BC and Rob was harrassing me for strawberry shortcake; imagine my surprise when I tried the flip-the-pages-and-stop-on-a-random-recipe method, it fell to......... Strawberry Shortcake!
ETA; I guess I should actually REVIEW the shortcake ~ I deleted the recipe at the publisher's request and forgot to put my take on it in....
I am writing this two weeks after the fact, so my memory is a little hazy. I remember Rob swooning and going back for seconds. I remember thinking, yep, that's strawberry shortcake. ( He has the sweet tooth in our house).
Looks good, how was it?
Do you think you'll use any more recipes out of it.
Hi Linda
What a delicious looking treat!
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