Monday, August 22, 2005

A new Era...

Those of you who do read this are probably wondering what the heck I have been doing. I apologise for not updating this past week and I will be remedying that asap. I had a crazy week, dear friend visiting from out of town, last day of work, etc. Yes. I am now unemployed (hopefully not for long). I will admit to shedding a few tears ~ I will miss so many of the people who have crossed my path these six years. And I will miss the Stock Market ~ the owners have done so much for me. Yes, there were days where I was ready to pull my hair out, I suffered from chronic stress-related heartburn and my blood pressure dropped 20 points when I decided to leave. But when I started there so many years ago, I was an angry, confused, fresh out of my teens, lost little girl. And the owners put up with my temper tantrums, my erratic behaviour until I calmed down about a year into it. I discovered my passion for food working there. And I made some very good friends while doing it. Thank you to Julien for the cookbook, the guide to NO and the words in your card. Thank you to Katie for the food giude to San Francisco and the beautiful card. Here's to the end of an era and the beginning of the next stage of my life...


Joe said...

It sounds like the next step is a big and exciting one - good luck on what the future brings for you!

Little Mama said...

Good luck on this new adventure. I am sure you will do great. Haven't been near a computer in a few days and just wanted to say your previous posts all looked so tasty (especially the anniversary dinner).