Roasting day part two. Sunday dinner with the works: Roast Beef, Yorkshire pudding, glazed carrots, potatoes fondant and Tomatoes Stuffed with Duxelles. Oh, and carrot ginger soup of our own devising for starter. Still in the same group (whine whine, I know everyone is getting sick of hearing about it, so I'll lay off...) We were given the order yesterday to decide on a recipe for carrot soup which used ginger as an ingredient. I asked my group for opinions, I got blank stares, shrugged shoulders and a general lack of excitement. So I decided to pick and develop a recipe all by myself. After digging through various sources, I decided on a carrot soup with loads of fresh ginger and some black cardamom and cinnamon, finishing with a touch of cream.

Carrot & Ginger Soup with Black Cardamom

The roast was taken on by Michael, who although quiet and not really a take charge kind of guy, does a good job. Min-Ki carved it as well as doing most of the finesse cutting for our group. That guy is a superstar when it comes to the cutting!

Min-Ki Carving the Roast

Sean was shipped off to another group, but we survived without him, running a team effort on the remaining dishes. Our Yorkshire puddings were the worst part, flat and hard, but at least I know why -- oil wasn't hot enough. It was a really good class and a good week all around.

The Dinner
The carrot soup looks sinful! Was it as delicious as it appears? I bet the black cardamon was a great addition.
jennifer, it was some of the best soup I have ever enjoyed. It was fairly rich, but so good.
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