By the time we had sorted out everything crazy man wanted us to do, it was well into class time. Luck smiled upon us today, though, because class idiot dropped out. I hope I wasn't the straw that broke his back, but I really don't think he belonged in this class. Everyone is probably thinking that I am a big, mean, judgemental person. But really, this guy was terrible. End result was that our group got combined with another that was down a person and it was so much fun. I was working with someone I have worked with before and someone who's approach to time management and forethought is in line with my own. Just a much more positive atmosphere all around.
Crazy Chef (CC), gave a lengthy lecture on how good his demo recipes were and then we got started.
We had to produce:
Handmade fettucini
Pasta Carbonara
Our spaetzle was a very simple recipe, which I executed and finished by tossing the Spaetzle in a fresh herb brown butter and spooning over a bit of our tomato sauce from Monday.


The Gnocchi was a delicious potato and herb gnocchi--of which I am still eating leftovers--also served with the tomato sauce.
Risotto and pilaf I had nothing to do with, but I am having left over pilaf tonight! And I used the handcrank pasta machine to produce the fettucine for our group which was used to make Pasta Carbonara


I am in severe carb overload at the moment!
We wrapped up the day in the dishpit {chef Julian thinks we shouldn't call it that, but I am sorry, it is a pit}. Five of us stayed behind and scrubbed non-stop for twenty minutes. Yuck. First in Last out and I am SO exhausted.
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