We had to produce:
Steamed Rice
Roasted Potatoes
Duchesse Potatoes
Large Tourné Potatoes
Small Tourné Potatoes
Tomato sauce
Baguette Dough
Pasta Dough
Cook potatoes for Gnocchi and Rosti
Prep for Rice Pilaf and Risotto
Potato Croquettes


It was HOT, sweaty, frusterating, exhausting yet exhilarating day. today was one of the first days that I actually felt like we were being prepared for the real world. Of course, class ran and hour and a half late and we all felt like we had been put through the wringer, but it was awesome.
To top the day off, I came home, made dinner and then finished canning a batch of jam from Mes Confitures!


1 comment:
Ah, those croquettes look divine -- my mouth is watering over here. :)
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