Snow Pea Stir-Fry became Snap Pea Stir-fry... It was simple -- too simple, and delicious.

Snow Pea Stir-fry

We also were asked to throw together a dish that this guy (sorry, chef) created out of his vast head -- Spaghetti Squash with a tomato concassé and (yes) pancake syrup. (The storeroom was out of honey and maple syrup).

Spaghetti Squash

Once our dishes were finished, we got to have an All-Vegetarian Buffet (well, except for the Brussels Sprouts with bacon)and all those veggies were so good,. I get hungry again just thinking about it. Time to go make dinner (Pork kebabs with berbéré sauce, couscous and tomato and cucumber salad. With an organic mango and cashew fruit salad with lime dressing for dessert.)
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